Miranda Ghrist

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Alice and Bob are sitting together in a garden enjoying morning tea. Bob is reading a book while Alice is wearing headphones and plays with an elaborate pocket watch.
"Alice, have you read this book on metalogic?"
"No I have not. Have you heard this song I'm listening to?"
"No I have not. I cannot hear with your headphones."
"You say that only because you think like P."
"You say that only because you think like N."
"True, eventually the agent in The Surveyor's Dillema has enough information to know the ages of the mathemetician's children and his house number. And the little sister in the The Three Hats knows the color of her hat not because of what is known, but what is unknown."
"Then perhaps instead of looking for a solution I should look for the unsolvable."
"I'm trying to proof a statement so that it evaluates to true, and that statement is 'All cats are on the internet'."
"That statement is obviously false."
"Yes, but there is a solution to this seemingly intractable problem through accepting this. Reductio ad absurdum."
"Even a broken clock is correct twice a day Alice. The watch you designed never tells the right time."
"That is because it does not tell time Bob, it keeps time."
"Perhaps I now know the song you are listening to."